
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

PART EIGHT: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government - Enter The Obama Era

Should the world continue, historians will undoubtedly record how the messianic fervor surrounding the election of the 44th president of the United States reflected not only widespread disapproval for Bush administration policies, but how, in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 the American psyche was primed to accept expansive alterations in political and financial policy with an overarching scheme for salvation from chaos. Among these historians, a few will undoubtedly also argue that, as National German Socialists did in the years following World War I, Barack Hussein Obama appealed to the increasingly disenfranchised voters among American society by playing on their understandable fears in order to posture himself as the essential agent of change. What most of these historians are not likely to record, however, is the involvement before and after the U.S. presidential election by unseen shapers of the New World Order. If they did, the vast numbers of people would not believe it anyway, the idea that behind the global chaos that gave rise to Obama’s popularity was a secret network, a transnational hand directing the course of civilization. Yet no account of history including recent times is complete or even sincere without at least acknowledging the behind-the-scenes masters who manipulate international policy, banking and finance, securities and exchange, trade, commodities, and energy resources. Numerous works including scholarly ones have connected the dots between this ruling superclass and the integration of policy handed down to governing bodies of nation-states and supra-national organizations.

Read the complete article here.

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