
Friday, December 04, 2009

The Bruce Collins Show - Guest: Brooks Agnew

The Bruce Collins Show
Saturday, 10am EST/ 7am PST
WSMN 1590 AM
Listen Online At:
Guest: Dr. Brooks Agnew

Raised in Pasadena, California Dr. Brooks Agnew spent most of his youth hanging around Cal Tech and the folks who co-oped at Jet Propulsion Labs. He entered the Air Force in 1973 where he became an electronics engineer. After earning an honorable discharge he attended Brigham Young, Western Kentucky, and Tennessee Technological Universities. He has a bachelor's degree in Chemistry, a master's degree in statistics, and a PhD in physics.

He was a featured scientist in the 1997 Wendy Robbins documentary on HAARP, "Holes in Heaven." He currently is a consultant to the manufacturing industry. Dr. Agnew has recently co-authored a landmark publication on the creation of the earth, The Ark of Millions of Years. He is the host of X Squared Radio.


-Dr. Agnew's electric car venture
- The North Pole Inner Earth Expedition
- Dr. Agnew discusses the theories regarding a Hollow Earth
- Dr. Agnew expresses his opinion of where UFOs are coming from
- We briefly talk about stargates/ portals
- Brooks gives his opinion on the New World Order and the current economic situation

Join us - and if you cannot - I will post the archive after the 'live' show!

Check back later today, I will have some other info posted regarding the interview.

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