Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tom Horn Launches New Blog Site. Posts Enigmatic First Message. "Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government" To Be Title Of Series

"It was 2:AM when suddenly I sat straight up in bed. A moment earlier during REM sleep (rapid eye movement) when most dreams or “night visions” occur, a last piece of an important puzzle had fallen into place, shaking me from slumber. I had been wrestling with certain images and enigmatic information for years, trying to make sense of what I had found. But not until recently had something deeper troubled me. It was as if an ominous voice somewhere was ready to show me what I was finally able to receive. Of course I was very familiar with transcendent subject matter. I had been involved with religious institutions for more than 30 years in official capacities including as an executive in the largest evangelical organization in the world. During that same time I had appeared on international television and radio programs with opportunity to expand my presence to a regular audience, if desired. Yet it was not until a brief stint working with exorcisms that I had come face to face with authentic supernaturalism and had finally begun questioning..."

Read the entire article.



Anonymous said...

hm... really like this thread :))

Anonymous said...

Bonjour I'd love to congratulate you for such a terrific quality forum!
Was thinking this is a perfect way to introduce myself!

Laurence Todd
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