Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rick Warren Acknowledges Christians And Muslims Worship Same God by Elliott Nesch

Yesterday's article in the Life section from the Orange County Register (the same county where Rick Warren's Saddleback Church is located), is entitled "Rick Warren builds bridge to Muslims." It describes how Warren is a part of an effort named King's Way that is attempting to bring evangelical Christians and Muslims together. It goes on to state:
"The Rev. Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest and one of America's most influential Christian leaders, has embarked on an effort to heal divisions between evangelical Christians and Muslims by partnering with Southern California mosques and proposing a set of theological principles that includes acknowledging that Christians and Muslims worship the same God" 
Whether or not Warren's theological principles directly say that Muslims and Christians worship the same God, this was a legitimate impression of the reporter. Though Warren claims that Jesus is the only way, his efforts to set aside theological differences and evangelism for the sake of "love of neighbor," "common ground," and "peace" with Muslims is a compromise of the greatest magnitude.
Rather than apologetics demonstrating the inconsistency between the Koran and the Bible, Allah and Yahweh, the co-authored document affirms that Christians and Muslims believe in "one God," share two central commandments: "love of God" and "love of neighbor," and commits both faiths to three goals: Making friends with one another, building peace and working on shared social service projects.
For this reason, in addition to Warren's P.E.A.C.E. Plan and endorsement of the A Common Word document, many Christians believe that Warren is not heralding the true Gospel of Jesus Christ but a global religion which comes together for social justice and world peace.


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