Senior royalty enjoy reign at Portage County fair
By Deborah Guziak
Record-Courier staff writer
RANDOLPH -- The newly crowned royalty of the Portage County-Randolph Fair had different plans for their Friday as Senior Fair King and Queen.
"I'm going to stay in here and walk around," said King Donald Knapp of Atwater. "It's too hot outside."
"My grandson is here from California," said her royal majesty, Queen Birdella McHenry of Rootstown, who was swarmed with people offering congratulations. The Queen, who represented the 60+ Club, pointed to her adult grandson, with whom she said she was spending the day.
King Knapp, who represented Atwater Country Piece Makers Quilt Club, became king when the actual winner, David Cohn of Aurora, who represented Anna Maria Facility, did not attend the festivities.
"It's probably too hot," said the event's emcee, Janet Esposito, the Portage County Auditor.
In her light and humorous way, Esposito introduced the candidates and read a little blurb about each. There originally were 12 candidates, but two of them did not attend.
The candidates sat in a row in front of the stage, and each was presented with a small memento of the event by the Junior Fair king and queen and the first runners up for each position.
Third runner up for queen was Patricia Saxe of Ravenna, who represented the Woodlands at Robinson facility. Maxine Knapp of Atwater, who represented the Atwater Country Piece Makers Quilt Club, was second runner up and first runner up was Evelyn Bryan of Kent, who represented Brimfield Senior Citizens, Faith United Methodist Church.
Other candidates were Marjorie L. Pagan of Ravenna, who represented Young at Heart; Grace Geiger of Randolph, who represented the Randolph Senior Center; and Mauriech "Frenchy" Lavers of Ravenna, who represented Longmeadow Care Center.
Second runner up for king was Conrad Geiger of Randolph, who represented the Randolph Senior Citizens and Joe Daniels of Ravenna, who represented Young at Heart, was first runner up.


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My Grandma is crowned Queen of the Portage County/Randolph Fair