The Media Assassins would like to welcome Steve McHenry to the group! Steve is a
voice over artist that can do just about anything. Those of you that listen to the
Tunecast Podcast can hear Steve doing both the introduction, and the closing outro of the show.
Steve can be
hired via his website at Voice123.
The Media Assassins Network is a
collection of blogs, podcasts, radio-stations, and web-pages that are
dedicated to serving up various types of media for readers and
listeners. Most of us have normal, paying jobs, and do what we do because
we enjoy it. The reason for the Network is to bring us together and help
promote each other via commercials, banners, shout-outs, and even
offering “one hand washes the other” services. If you would like
to join forces with the Media Assassins, send an email to
Steve's Note:
Thanks to Rob Stinney and John Basso for inviting me to get on board. Looking forward to what the future holds.

Steve McHenry Joins The Media Assassins Network