Tuesday, February 27, 2007

February 2007 Archived MySpace Blog Posts

February 2007 Archived MySpace Blog Posts

02/01/2007 9:02 PM January 2007 Blog Posts

02/01/2007 7:33 PM Mischievous Angels or Sethites? by Chuck Missler

02/03/2007 10:09 AM Imam leads Democrats in prayer of conversion

02/04/2007 2:25 PM 'And Also After That': The Return of the Nephilim? by Chuck Missler

02/04/2007 1:21 PM Religions Must Conform to Canadian 'Charter Values' or Lose Charitable Status

02/06/2007 4:33 PM Thomas Jefferson's Koran by William Welty, Ph.D.

02/07/2007 5:38 PM New Website Provides Clearinghouse for ‘Connecting the Dots’

02/07/2007 7:18 PM Mount Hermon: Gate of the Fallen Angels by J. R. Church

02/08/2007 6:51 PM Fit The Parable Talent Into Your Banking

02/11/2007 4:53 PM Are We Living in the Last Days? by Greg Laurie

02/11/2007 4:56 PM Missing Persons: A Rapture Explanation that Makes Sense by J.D. Shelton

02/12/2007 3:03 PM New Series on "66/40" with Dr. Chuck Missler

02/13/2007 4:12 PM Dissecting the New World Order Leviathan: Part One by SHARON K. GILBERT

02/14/2007 6:08 PM Nutcase Who Say's He's Jesus Now Claims To Be Antichrist

02/14/2007 6:30 PM Watcher Magazine on hiatus for restructuring…

02/16/2007 3:04 PM More Hollywood Stars Join Alien Cult

02/17/2007 1:04 AM Oprah and "The Secret"

02/18/2007 1:15 PM Age of the Universe by Dr. Gerald Schroeder

02/18/2007 2:19 PM Use of ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ Too “Homophobic”, Scottish Nurses Told

02/18/2007 2:53 PM Cardinal's permission for gays' Mass dismays Catholic traditionalists

02/18/2007 3:37 PM The Saber Rattling of Demons? by L.A. Marzulli

02/19/2007 1:06 AM Iran, Israel, and Armilus-the Antichrist by Stephen Yulish PhD

02/19/2007 1:38 PM P.I.D. Radio: Patrick Heron & Our Last New P.I.D. Radio Program

02/20/2007 11:18 AM Does "The Secret" Have An Occult Hidden Link?

02/20/2007 2:47 PM Is Turkey Fulfilling Prophecy?

02/20/2007 5:09 PM The Deep Politics of God (Part One): The CNP, Dominionism, and the Ted Haggard Scandal

02/20/2007 5:54 PM The Deep Politics of God (Part Two): The CNP, Dominionism, and the Ted Haggard Scandal

02/21/2007 7:28 PM Churches back plan to unite under Pope

02/23/2007 10:50 AM Does "The Great Deception" Start On Monday?

02/23/2007 11:24 AM The Deep Politics of God (Part Three): The CNP, Dominionism, and the Ted Haggard Scandal

02/23/2007 1:07 AM The Deep Politics of God (Part Four): The CNP, Dominionism, and the Ted Haggard Scandal


02/25/2007 12:41 AM How Iraq terrorists target Prince Harry (Hmm...)

02/25/2007 2:15 PM James Cameron: I’ve Found the Tomb of Jesus

02/25/2007 3:48 PM Outside the Box .90 (Transhumanism Special with guest Tom Horn)



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