Here is an article from a few years ago that I thought I would repost, in light of Prince Charles making the statement that he is related to Vlad The Impaler. Some of the links are no longer active, though. It's pure speculation, but very interesting.
following is a list of overwhelming evidence which supports the theory
that Prince Charles is the Biblical Antichrist. Although at first
glance, this claim may seem ridiculous, the facts speak for themselves.
You owe it to yourself and your family to read this entire document
before coming to a decision. What else can I say - You've been warned!
Revelation 13:18
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of
the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six". According to onomastics (the study of names)
"Charles" literally means "man". In fact, the words "Charles" and "man"
are interchangeable. So Revelation 13:18
could be interpreted as saying "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath
understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a
CHARLES; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." The
Antichrist is also described in Daniel 9:26 as 'the prince that shall come'. If Charles is the Antichrist, then the term 'prince' can be taken literally.
to Hebrew gematria his name adds up to 666 in both English and Hebrew
(i.e., "Charles Prince of Wales" or "nasich Charles me Wales" - the
values 1-9 are assigned to the first 9 letters of the alphabet, 10-90
for the next 9 letters, and 100-400 for the last four letters, (they
only have 22 characters in the alphabet.) Using this system of math, and
applying it to the first 22 characters of the English alphabet, (the
last 4 letters equate to zero), we can calculate names in English just
as you can calculate names in Hebrew.
of the Seven Kings, (the 3rd riddle): In the Book of Revelation,
Chapter 17, Verses 10-11, it says, "There are seven kings. Five were,
one is and one is to be. The Beast is the eighth and of the seven."
There were seven emperors of the Holy Roman Empire named Charles, (check
the World Book Encyclopedia). Prince Charles' lineage chart shows that
he is descended, through his father, from the fifth emperor of the Holy
Roman Empire named Charles, of the House of Hapsburg. Prince Charles is
the eighth and, (by his lineage), he is also of the seven (SEE HIS
the Antichrist will attempt to impersonate the Messiah, he will have to
claim to be a descendant of King David, of the house of Judah. It would
be virtually impossible for any Jew alive today to prove that they were
descended from King David. However, the same cannot be said for Prince
Charles. In "The Illustrious Lineage of the Royal House Of Britain"
(First Published in 1902 by The Covenant Publishing Co., Ltd., London,
England), the authors easily trace his lineage back to David and beyond.
The College of Heralds (London) has also traced Prince Charles to be
the 145th direct descendant of King David. This claim was also made in
May of last year in a documentary on Israeli television. Charles also
claims descent from Islam's false prophet Mohammed. (SEE HIS LINEAGE
Charles' coat of arms and crest was designed for him by the British
College of Heraldry, using a system of guidelines over 500 years old. It
contains ALL the Biblical symbols of the Antichrist. It has a dog
supported by a roaring lion and a unicorn, (called a wild beast with a
straight horn, a wild oxen, or 'little horn'). Psalms 22:19-21 describes these animals, with a prayer for deliverance... "Ps 22:19
But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help
me. 20 Deliver my foul from the sword; my darling from the power of the
dog. 21 Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the
horns of the unicorns. " (SEE HIS COAT OF ARMS -
Revelation 13:2
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as
the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion:
and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. The composite beast of Revelation 13:2,
with the head of a lion, body of a leopard and feet of a bear is
symbolic for other people--but not for Prince Charles. It is on his Coat
of Arms. It represents the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. These are
the animal symbols for France, the leopard; Germany, the Bear; and
England, the lion. These nations represented the western arm of the Holy
Roman Empire. His Coat of Arms contains ten heraldic beasts, which is a
first for the British Monarchy. All previous British Monarchs had
either three or six, but none have ever had ten.
Revelation 13:2
also says, "And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great
authority." The dragon is "symbolic" to others, but not to Prince
Charles. He has a red dragon on his coat of arms. It comes from the flag
of Wales, and it is in this title, Prince of Wales, that Charles is
heir-apparent to the throne of Great Britain. At his coronation
(investiture as Prince of Wales) in 1969, he sat on a chair with a large
red dragon emblazoned on it. During the ceremony, his mother Queen
Elizabeth II said, "This dragon gives you your power, your throne and
your own authority." His response to her was, "I am now your Liege-man,
and worthy of your earthly worship." Liege is an old English word
meaning "Lord". "I am now your Lord-man, and worthy of your earthly
worship." Another reference to the red dragon is in Revelation 12:3.
"And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red
dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his
heads". Prince Charles is the ONLY person in the world to whom "And the
dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority" can
literally be applied to!
symbol on Prince Charles' Coat of Arms is that of The Order of the
Garter. The Order of the Garter is the parent organization over Free
Masonry, worldwide. When a man becomes a 33rd Degree Mason, he swears
allegiance to that organization, and thereby to Prince Charles.
According to "The 'Morals and Dogma' of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry"
written by Albert Pike (Grand Commander, Sovereign Pontiff of Universal
Freemasonry, July 14, 1889) Lucifer is the GOD of Freemasonry (see page
321 of the 1942 edition). On page 819 you will find just one example of
why there are many people in Freemasonry who believe that it is natural
to be a Christian and a Mason. Masonry intentionally misleads the low
degree initiates and hides the truth that the god of Freemasonry is
Lucifer, except to those in the 30th and higher degrees. "The Blue
Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the
symbols are on display there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally
misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall
understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands
them." Further proof of Lucifer worshipping amongst Freemason can be
seen in how they measure the year. For instance the year 1998 (up until
September) is according to freemasonry the year 5997 AL (that is 5997
anno Lucifer).
The chain on the unicorn is loose, all previous coats of arms show it attached (see II Thessalonians 2:6).
Inner motto reads "Evil on him who thinks evil". Lower motto reads "I
serve", "Service is something that you give to people, particularly if
they want you to - but sometimes if they don't"
Revelation 13:16
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads." On
March 6th, 1996 on CNN, Prince Charles showed the world that he and his
two sons William and Harry, had been the first people to be voluntarily
implanted with a microchip (traceable biochip) in their right hands,
allegedly for security purposes.
June 26th 1994, Charles announced that when he becomes king he will
relinquish the monarch's role as head of the Church of England. He said
he would rather be seen as "defender of the faiths," rather than
"defender of the faith." "I happen to believe that the Catholic subjects
of the sovereign are as important [as the Protestants], not to mention
the Islamic, Hindu, and Zoroastrian," he told the independent Television
network. There are currently at least two biographies available on
Charles that describe his desire to unite all the world's religions 'in
order for peace' (see Daniel 11:37).
reports have appeared in London and Arab newspapers over the last few
years, claiming that Charles has converted to Islam. This supposedly
took place when he met with the mufti of Cyprus, Shaykh Nazim Adil (in
1993). Now while there's no actual evidence to prove that he has
converted to Islam, there is no evidence to prove that he hasn't. In
fact his lecture delivered in February 1994 at Oxford extolling the
virtues of Islam, his frequent visits to Islamic holy places, his
dedication of a South London mosque, outfitted in traditional Sunnah
attire; and his 1993 trip to see the Quran of Sayiddina `Uthman (in
Tashkent, Uzbekistan) with Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, only lend credence to
the claim. Of course, this is just the sort of tactic to expect from the
Antichrist. That is to say, if he were to openly come out and say that
he had converted to Islam, this would make many Jews wary of him.
Whereas, if he were to spread rumors that he was a Muslim, and not
publicly deny them, then he could get Muslims on his side whilst not
alienating Jews.
June 2nd 1953, with the Knights of the Garter carrying and holding the
canopy over her head, Elizabeth II was anointed and crowned as "Queen of
thy people Israel". Both Prince Charles and his mother believe that the
throne upon which the queen was crowned, the famous coronation chair at
Westminster Abbey in London, is the rightful throne of King David. One
of the reasons for this is because up until recently it contained a 336
pound stone known as Jacob's Pillar (also referred to as Jacob's head-rest, the stone of Scone, or the stone of destiny). For more information on the significance of this stone see Genesis 28:18.
Legend has it that Jeremiah transported it to Ireland where it was used
as a coronation stone. It was then brought to Scotland where it was
used for a millenium to crown Scottish Kings. In 1296, Edward I stole
the stone and took it to England, where it was placed in Westminster
Abbey, and used since 1308 for English coronations. On St Andrews Day,
30th November 1996, on Queen Elizabeth's orders, the stone was taken
back to Scotland and installed in Edinburgh Castle. I (as do many
people) believe that this stone will be used to crown the Antichrist
(posing as the Messiah). (See also Ezekiel 21:27, Genesis 49:10, Daniel 9:24, and Ezekiel 37:22).
Pont de l'Alma tunnel, the site where Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed
were assassinated has great occultic significance. The site is ancient,
dating back to the time of the Merovingian kings (ca. 500 - 751 AD), and
before. In pre-Christian times, the Pont de l'Alma was an underground
chamber and used as a pagan sacrificial site. The Founder of the
Merovingian dynasty was Merovaeus, said to be descended from the union
of a sea creature and a French queen. Merovaeus followed the pagan cult
of Diana. In Middle English, "soul" (Alma) has as etymology "descended
from the sea." "Pont," has as a Latin root "pontifex," meaning a Roman
high priest. (See also pons, pontis -- bridge; passage.) " One
translation of Pont de l'Alma would be "bridge of the soul." If Charles
is the Antichrist, then I wonder what Diana would have had to say (had
she lived) when he declares himself the Messiah, and how many people
would've taken her opinion into consideration before believing his
blasphemous European royalty, including Prince Charles and Queen
Elizabeth II, claim to be of the Blood line of Jesus Christ and Mary
Magdalene. According to the lie, Jesus didn't die on the cross and rise
from the dead. Instead they claim he married Mary Magdalene and fathered
a number of children. This bloodline is referred to as the "Holy
Grail", with those possessing it believing themselves the rightful heirs
to the throne of Jerusalem. They believe that a new king of "the Holy
Seed of David" will preside over the "Masonic kingdom" of Israel and the
world. Prince Charles' link to the non-existent bloodline of Christ is
through the Merovingian Kings of France. He is allegedly descended from
the Merovingian Hildegarde. Princess Diana's Bloodline can also be
traced back to the Merovingians. This is why Prince Philip selected her.
If the above examples aren't enough to convince you then here are a few more facts to take into consideration ...
- Prince Charles is heir to the highest ranking office on earth to be attained solely by birthright.
- Israel became a state in 1948. Prince Charles was born in 1948.
In 1992 (just before the full unification in 1993) Charles applied to
the EU (European Union) to be made King of Europe. He was turned down by
European parliament, but has since developed enormous support among
European royalty and the moneyed elite.
- Prince Charles' own business forum web site is at
His World Business Forum comprises 200 of the world's top corporate
leaders and consolidates 26% of the world's wealth. Charles is literally
able to steer the environmental ethics & business agendas of the
world's most powerful multinational companies. The holdings of the House
of Windsor constitute enormous wealth including the
Archer-Daniel's-Midland company (they are stockholders with controlling
interest) which controls 75% of the world's grain. In times of famine,
the royal family will literally be able to control who eats and who
- Prince Charles considers himself to be psychic and
believes in guidance from the spirit realm. The Queen (also involved in
spiritism) and Prince Philip both believe that Charles, "is the Chosen
One - placed in line for the throne through a divine, preordained plan."
In 1977, Charles went to Ghana, Africa where he claimed to have had a
mystical experience. The news reports quoted him as saying that it was
like, "St. Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus."
- One of
Prince Charles' key men is the Canadian Maurice Strong. Strong is a top
Illuminati operative and head of many world organizations. He has been
under secretary of the UN for many years. He headed up the Rio Summit,
World Conservation Bank, World Economic Forum, UN Commission on Global
governance. He is also chairman of the Earth Council and the World
Resources Institute and has been a top player in Planetary Citizens, the
World Future Society, Aspen Institute, Business Council for Sustainable
Development, Lindisfarne Association, World Federation of United
Nations Associations, the Club of Rome, and about 30 other major
organizations to name but a few of his powerful connections.
- To
give you some idea of Charles' influence: He is behind three of the
most important documents of this decade, the UN's Global Security
Program (he personally initiated the United Nations Global Security
Program), the 7 Year Oslo Accord, and the Rio Summit's `Agenda 21'. Up
until recently he headed the United World Colleges, he is credited with
instigating alternative medicine, and with the success of the 1992 Earth
Summit in Rio De Janeiro.
- According to an article which
appeared in the London Times on July 15th, 1998, titled "The Charles And
Tony Show" many Britons are becoming concerned about Prince Charles'
meddling in the daily political affairs of the Tony Blair government. To
quote the article "Charles' involvement is causing considerable
controversy in certain British quarters, who claim that he is
over-stepping the bounds of publicly allowable behavior by a member of
the Royal Family, in daily political events.
- In the early
1990's representatives of Israel and the Palestinians were invited to a
secret meeting in London, during which it was decided to try secret
negotiations in Oslo, Norway. The Israelis were represented by Yitzchak
Rabin, and the Palestinians were represented by King Hussein of Jordan
(both 33rd degree masons). The third party at that meeting was Lord
Victor Mischcon (also a 33rd degree mason), and personal attorney for
Prince Charles.
- Prince Charles attended the funeral of Yitzchak
Rabin. Within two hours after the funeral, according to the Jerusalem
Post, Prince Charles was in Prime Minister Shimon Peres' office
"insisting" that he attend a meeting at the Orient House, (in the
Palestinian sector of Jerusalem), to begin negotiations to give back the
Golan Heights to Syria.
- An article appeared in the Sunday
Mirror on August 31, 1997 (only hours before Princess Diana was
assassinated). It was titled "Queen To Strip Harrods of Its Royal Quest"
(by Andrew Golden). To quote the article "Prince Philip, in particular,
has made no secret as to how he feels about his daughter-in-law's
latest man, referring to Dodi as an `oily bed-hopper." "He's been
banging on about his contempt for Dodi and how he is undesirable as a
future stepfather to William and Harry. Diana has been told in no
uncertain terms about the consequences should she continue the
relationship with the Fayed boy. Options must include possible exile,
although that would be very difficult, as when all is said and done, she
is the mother of the future King of England."
- According to
Prince Charles "I am sure that many people consider that the United
Kingdom is in an ideal geographical and historical position to act as an
interpreter and mediator between the United States and Europe."
In 1991, as his son William was undergoing emergency surgery for a
near-fatal head wound, "Prince Charles left the hospital to go to Covent
Garden Opera House, where he was to host a party of European Community
- To truly understand Charles, it is important to
understand his father, Prince Philip. Philip is a eugenicist who wants
reduce the population of this planet from a current level of about 5.3
billions persons, to much less than 1 billion within the next two
generations. To quote Prince Philip "In the event that I am
reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to
contribute something to solve overpopulation." And Philip is off to a
flying start. He is the head of the World Wildlife Fund (Worldwide Fund
for Nature) an organization whose policies are not only responsible for
the extinction of many species of animals, but also for the deaths of
literally millions of sub-Saharan Africans. Although Philip Pretends to
be a champion on endangered species, in January 1961, a few months
before he would launch the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Prince Philip went
on a royal tour of India where he not only shot and killed an Indian
tiger (check news archives for the photo), but also an exceedingly rare
Indian rhinoceros. Only 250 were then left in the world, but that didn't
stop Philip from shooting it. The dead rhino's terrified calf managed
to escape, but probably died later as it was so young. In a May 18th,
1990 address to the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Prince
Philip asserted: ``it is now apparent that the ecological pragmatism of
the so-called pagan religions, such as that of the American Indians, the
Polynesians, and the Australian Aborigines, was a great deal more
realistic in terms of conservation ethics than the more intellectual
monotheistic philosophies of the revealed religions.'' (Like father,
like son!)
- Prince Charles may seem like a wimp, however he is
quite athletic, an expert horseman, a qualified jet fighter pilot in the
Royal Air Force, a qualified helicopter pilot in the Royal Navy, and a
senior military officer in all three branches of armed services.
Some of the rumors to have dogged Charles over the years include
homosexuality, adultery, occultic practices, and spiritualist worship.
- No one else on Earth has the religious, political, financial, historic, and other ties that Charles has!
- Prince Charles' media exposure has exceeded that of any other man in history!
- Only the true Antichrist can fulfill every Biblical prophecy (WITHOUT EXCEPTION) related to the Antichrist. Daniel 9:26-27 clearly states that he Antichrist must be a prominent ruler, (presumably a prince of Roman lineage)!
If Charles is the Antichrist, then he should receive a fatal head wound
sometime in the near future. A fatal head wound from which he will
miraculously recover!
There are many more so called coincidences,
but don't take my word for it, read your bible, go to your library,
lookup old newspapers, and keep an eye on the so-called Royal family.
Still not convinced, then read 2Thessalonians 2:9-2:12 ...
him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and
signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness
in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth,
that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong
delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned
who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
For more information read AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea by Tim Cohen
Visit Tim's website at
Monday, October 31, 2011
Posted by
Steve McHenry
6:50 AM
Labels: 666, Antichrist, Beast, Prince Charles, Prophecy, Satan
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